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Re: [Full-disclosure] joe jobs on FD and OpenBSD

Hey Gadi,

If you looked at the time the article on OpenBSD was
posted, and compared that to the time of your talk,
you'd realize how incorrect you are. However, being a
giant jewish bag of hot air, you clearly think that
everything that happens somehow relates to you.

Guess what, Gadi. The world does not revolve around
you, thank God. Stop trying to compensate for your
tiny jewish penis and consider a career where you're
able to do something useful, other than be an
attention whore.

Also, I doubt anyone went to your talk anyways.
Everyone knows everything that comes out of your mouth
is either a) shit or b) hot air, so nobody takes you
seriously. You're the laughing stock of the so-called
infosec world, Gadi.


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