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Re: [Full-disclosure] [CVE 2007-3816] [Advisory] Vulnerability Facts Related JWIG Advisory
- To: warl0ck@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] [CVE 2007-3816] [Advisory] Vulnerability Facts Related JWIG Advisory
- From: "Debasis Mohanty" <debasis.mohanty.listmails@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:39:11 +0530
>> Hence kindly do not entertain any more bogus from secniche, also i
don't understand
>> what in the world are the CVE maintainers doing.
this is not first time a CVE been assigned to a fake claims. Since FD
has become a short cut to fame, history has proven that many clowns in
the past had their fake claim promoted by getting a CVE tagged. It is
understood that with more are more exponentially replicating clowns in
the industry it is hard for mitre to validate all vague claims.
On 7/22/07, Pranay Kanwar <warl0ck@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Reply from the developer of JWIG regarding "Hack Annotations in JWIG" by
> secniche.org
> Hi Pranay (cc to "SecNiche"),
> Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have now read this document
> "Hack Annotations in JWIG", and I must admit that I have never seen so
> much bogus in so few pages ever before. Is this a (bad) joke?? It seems that
> the author Aditya K Sood (a.k.a. Bubba Gump?) has completely
> misunderstood the processing model of web communication in general and JWIG
> in particular. JWIG is a research project exploring new ways of
> programming web applications. JWIG programs run on the server, and the JWIG
> system obviously does not by itself provide any means for attackers to
> control which code is being executed on the server. This means that all the
> example "attacks" described in this report seem to assume that the
> attacker is the service programmer, which clearly doesn't make much sense.
> I hope that anyone reading a report like "Hack Annotations in JWIG" quickly
> will see that it is all bogus. However, I would naturally prefer that
> "SecNiche" would withdraw these absurd claims whereever they have been
> published.
> Regards,
> Anders
> Pranay Kanwar wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > I would like to bring to your notice the following claims regarding the
> > bogus
> > security problems in JWIG.
> >
> >
> > http://lists.grok.org.uk/pipermail/full-disclosure/2007-July/064768.html
> > http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/474156/30/0/threaded
> > http://www.webappsec.org/lists/websecurity/archive/2007-07/msg00022.html
> > http://www.secniche.org/papers/HackAnnotationsInJWIG.pdf
> >
> > Kindly comment on these, I would request this as this makes wrong
> > assumptions
> > and will hinder the usage of JWIG technology.
> >
> > I have also negated the claims myself.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > warl0ck // MSG
> --
> Anders Moeller
> amoeller@xxxxxxxx
> http://www.brics.dk/~amoeller
> Hence kindly do not entertain any more bogus from secniche, also i don't
> understand what in the
> world are the CVE maintainers doing.
> warl0ck // MSG
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