can any of you wankers tell if this is the same moron with no life
that keeps posting on FD or if it is a bunch of copy-catters now?
unfortunately it appears the ever increasing noise on this list is
coming from dumb-shits that havent an idea that theyre failing to
embarass anyone and theyre just continuing to prove what a sad
pathetic waste of life they are. while equally as lame and useless,
this last post wasnt anything like the other spoofs. i might assume
this larry seltzer post is just a copy-cat of a new loser making a
try to be the centre of attention. in either case you have
miserably failed at getting any sort of message across other than
youre a bumbling fucktard with no life.
mentioning n3td3v and gobbles-they might be one and the same. it
wouldnt surprise me if these past posts were the work of the same
group of morons. its quite obvious that there is some form of
mental deficiency with the lot of you. im not sure why anyone even
mentions gobbles these days. you just give the shit-head some
happiness. remember youre dealing with a person that down syndrome
or something similar. its amazing he could ever function. ive seen
the specials on the television about this. those with down syndrome
have some function they can latch on to and work well with,,like
playing piano or math. it appears in the case of you
all,,especially gobbles that using a computer seems to be your area
of focus. have you seen this bloody guy? its a surprise to me his
tongue doesnt just hang from his mouth. i believe this is a picture
of him now,,
please just be advised you are a useless piece of shit along with
those you are copy-catting. i know you will read this and most
likely not reply. but i do hope you know you are very much so
useless in life and most of us might delete your mail or laugh it
off,,but we all mostly feel bad for you and how pathetic you are.