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Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of ActiveX Bug

Sorry for the smart-ass tail end to my message, but this *is* F-D after

Larry Seltzer
eWEEK.com Security Center Editor
Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dude
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:39 PM
To: Larry Seltzer
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of ActiveX Bug

On 5/3/07, Larry Seltzer <Larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>I know Larry, wtf is an office exploit good for? nothing thats
> It's not an Office exploit, it's an exploit in a 3rd-party add-on 
> package. And not an especially popular one.
> You do understand the difference, don't you?

whoops! I do now,

I think I missed the OCX part at the end of your earlier email (and
visiting the site woulda helped too :-(


Looks like this guy is reporting the month of OCX bugs that crash Office
applications, but I guess MOO-COA doesnt sound as cool,

sorry for doubting you Lar,

> Larry Seltzer
> eWEEK.com Security Center Editor
> http://security.eweek.com/
> http://blogs.eweek.com/cheap_hack/
> Contributing Editor, PC Magazine
> larryseltzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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