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Re: [Full-disclosure] [WEB SECURITY] Re: Global Space Exploitation In PHP Based Web Applications

Michal Zalewski wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Mar 2007, Aditya K Sood wrote:
>> http://zeroknock.metaeye.org/analysis/gspace.xhtml
> Just like your previous "double trap" XSS advisory, I fail to see the
> novelty or significance of this report.
> You seem to discuss an ages-old issue that had been used to exploit a
> countless number of web applications, and is remediated by disabling
> register_globals (ain't that off by default since PHP 4.2.0?).
> /mz
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                                         Nothing seems to be old. If  
it  is  still persisting
with different layout than the attack vector is till persisting. It depends
up on individual to look at the significance.

There are number of people who finds it significant. I dont want to point
it out but it comes in my and I thought its need attention again.Even after
the specifier is off but still the vector is there may be due to any reason.

Rest it depends on ones thinking. It needs attention again.


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