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Re: [Full-disclosure] NewOrder.box.sk Inherits Severe
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Nikolay Kichukov <hijacker@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] NewOrder.box.sk Inherits Severe
- From: Aditya K Sood <zeroknock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 00:26:04 +0530
bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Referer checking will not stop open redirects you must create a whitelist.
> Consider the following
> http://site/script?u=http://site/script?u=http://cnn.com
> It will hit the script, redirect back to itself set the referer header then
> continue.
> - Robert
> http://www.cgisecurity.com/ Application security news and more.
> http://www.cgisecurity.com/index.rss [RSS Feed]
>> Hello Aditya,
>> I see your point there. Hope they get it fixed. Should the patch involve
>> some referrer checking?
>> Regards,
>> -Nikolay Kichukov
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Aditya K Sood" <zeroknock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: "Nikolay Kichukov" <hijacker@xxxxxxxxx>;
>> <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] NewOrder.box.sk Inherits Severe
>> RedirectionVulnerability
>>> Nikolay Kichukov wrote:
>>>> Hello there,
>>>> I've read the article, but I still do not see where the severe
>> redirection
>>>> vulnerability is. Is this not a feature of the neworder.box.sk web site
>> to
>>>> allow anyone to be redirected to anypage they submit to redirect.php?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Nikolay Kichukov
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Aditya K Sood" <zeroknock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:49 PM
>>>> Subject: [Full-disclosure] NewOrder.box.sk Inherits Severe
>>>> RedirectionVulnerability
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Previous Rootkit.com Vulnerability have been patched.
>>>>> The neworder.box.sk is famous security website.It inherits very
>> specific
>>>>> redirection attacks. The domain forwarding or URL forwarding not only
>>>>> directly possible through the website but can be called from third
>> party
>>>>> directly.
>>>>> A very generic analysis have been undertaken based on search engine
>>>>> specification.Look into the issues at:
>> http://zeroknock.blogspot.com/2007/03/neworderboxsk-inherits-severe.html
>>>>> http://zeroknock.metaeye.org/analysis/neworder_red.xhtml
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Zeroknock
>>>>> http://zeroknock.metaeye.org/mlabs
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>>>>> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>>>>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
>>> Hi nikolay
>>> Thats where the thinking is bit off side.
>>> Remember there
>>> is lot of difference between redirection occurs from the main website
>>> through generating event and the redirection that occurs from the third
>>> party.It will be okay to the feature context if the redirection supports
>>> only from the website.
>>> More precisely a search engine check is performed at the top to show
>>> that the page is not subjected as standard page for redirection. If its
>>> a feature than it must not be redirected from the third party.
>>> Thats All.
>>> Regards
>>> Adi
>> _______________________________________________
>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
The robert is quiet clear in its view and its right.
I think there must be some event generation with respect
to redirection handler.This makes the redirection to occur
mainly from the site and not from third party.
Designing a list will be a good solution.
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