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Re: [Full-disclosure] [WEB SECURITY] GMail Contact Information Disclosure PoC

Nice find.  There's a common problem when an organization gets so large that
the right hand doesn't talk to the left.  I'm not sure what the AuthToken
would be useful for, I don't see it anywhere in my authenticated request
(e.g. not in the cookie or any other data).  The XSS is more nasty than the
XML data though, because from what I can tell a login to gmail sets a cookie
for .google.com, allowing you to use your same XSS to get the contact list
from a one-click (or XSRF) attack to the gmail call which returns the same
contact list.  Both are nasty because they're serving up that data over
non-SSL channels.  

-----Original Message-----
From: beNi [mailto:backebackekuchen@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:57 AM
To: websecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; RSnake; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [WEB SECURITY] GMail Contact Information Disclosure PoC

This is my GMail Contact information Disclosure Proof Of Concept Exploit,
allowing you to read the Email addresses of all contacts of the currently
logged in Google user.

(It also Allows you to check if someone is currently logged into Google
Services + Serves you the Authentication Token)

have fun and cheers, benjamin

benjamin "beNi" flesch
mybeNi.tk websecurity - http://mybeNi.rootzilla.de/mybeNi/

(coolest guy in da hood)

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