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Re: [Full-disclosure] JavaScript inLine Debugger - The fastest web sites debugger (technique, not a tool)

Ben Bucksch wrote:
> SirDarckCat wrote:
>> JavaScript inLine Debugger
> Are you selling us the "javascript:" URL as "JaSiLDBG JavaScript inLine 
> Debugger"? From all I can tell from your doc, you simply renamed 
> "javascript:" to "JaSiLDBG".

Yes, I decided to overlook that.  Nothing wrong with a little marketing.

> A very interesting and very stretching use of javascript: URLs can be 
> found at <http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/>. Highly recommended.

I used to like bookmarklets (and still use a couple), but Greasemonkey
(http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/) is way better.

Matthew Flaschen

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