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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wikipedia and Pedophilia

On 1/20/07, Timo Schoeler <timo.schoeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In epistula a V Vendetta <v.wikipedia@xxxxxxxxx> die horaque Fri, 19
Jan 2007 13:29:53 -0800 (PST):

> Full Dislosure: Wikipedia
> Also, I apologize for my english - as it is only my second language.
> The Wikipedia ideology is like communism - all the people working
> together in harmony - it sounds like... Peace.  It's idealism at its
> highest level.

no, the wikipedia ideology is NOT like communism. i even doubt they
have something like an ideology.

however, you should also apologize for your ranting about something
(communism) you don't even know the basics of (i.e., it's definition).

your superior system of capitalism destroys the planet for long time
now. at least, we're getting at an end as climate change (carbon
dioxide, methan, etc.) leads to mass extinctions within the next two
decades (at a maxmimum) due to 'the weather being reconfigured around
the planet'.

I beleive that doesn't have anything to do with capitalism or whatever
social system. Is about not using the right developement politics that's
quite different.

so in future those who cause this won't be able to satisfy their needs
on burgers, hot dogs etc., thus not being able to drive their SUVs.
nature will win :)

You wanna be natural? Fine dress yourself  with some  animal skins(or maybe
stay naked) do no take baths do not shave yourself  and live till you get 30
years in cave eating roots you find somewhere or jeje killing animals and
you will be quite natural. Ahh and forget about internet and computers
because in the first place you won't have electricity, that is quite
artificial. Ahh and forget about medicines they are man made.

most interesting, alas Cuba is on its way to communism (no, it is no
communism there, this is socialism, the first step to)

Sure they are doing quite well. I beleive you are talking about something
you don't know. Have you ever been there? because I do

is the only
country with sustainable development (*although* the US put an embargo
on them *decades* ago):

And you still beleive those lies from the government? Ahh come on you eate
the cake. Have ever heard of some government that does't twist the truth?

capitalism is about exponential, endless growth;

I beleive that's the natural way of growing things. After all that's what is
civilization about otherwise we were only small tribes trying to not die of
hunger instead of having a society.

the physician will say
that this is not possible because the universe is not endless.

Hmm I beleive you have to read some more about that. Anyway in case it is
not infinite is so huge (I believe you still don't understand how much, is
like our entire galaxy is a little grain of sand on a beach, in fact less
than that) that you can assume it is for the next hmm... billions of bilions
of years to come. And that things they say about energy and oil... Jaj the
Sun is there wasting millions of megawatts every second throwing them to the
space and you all talk about some stupid oil or carbon that is going to
reach its end by some X year instead putting all of your efforts into
finding ways to get that energy shining in front of your face. And then if
the Sun becomes dead some day then there are billions of other stars out
there. As said Einstein "there are two infinite things, the universe and
human stupidity"  So in my opinion is a very stupid idea that one of stoping
developement with such excuses.

doctor will tell you that the only thing that achieves this is:
cancer. (which, as capitalism, is its own murderer :)

> V

haef phun,

t. <- at least anticapitalist and still waiting for a _single_
democracy that works as the definition says.

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