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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v calls on month of bug campaigns to stop

They had me terminate his yahoo accounts. Probably got fired!!!
 On Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:31 AM, Jeb Osama wrote:

Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 23:01:15 +0530
From: Jeb Osama
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v calls on month of bug campaigns to stop


From: n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> 

n3td3v is deeply sad at the new trend of morally accepted blackmail by
the security community, known better as a month of bugs.

sincere researchers are coming forward more frequently to threaten 
companies with a month of vendor bugs.

because they are known to be sincere they are morally left off the
hook from what is known by n3td3v to be straight forward blackmail.

blackmail is illegal, for this reason n3td3v wishes to make the 
following recommendations:

[1]bug a day for a month campaigns are blackmail on the part of the
researcher, all should be outlawed by government.

[2]n3td3v calls on the government to make it highly illegal and 
morally unacceptable to threaten a month of bugs for a vendor and its

[3]security researchers think its "fun" but all it amounts to is blackmail

[4]all blackmail attempts shouldn't be dressed up as harmless fun 

[5]governments need to wake up and swiftly arrest those making month
of bug claims in the future

[6]corporations and its consumers shouldn't be scared mongered and
threatened by individuals

 [7]researchers shouldn't use their real name or real place of
employment and expect exclusion from legal action against blackmail

[8]researchers shouldn't be allowed to profit or gain career
opportunities by such claims to action by the researcher 

[9]researchers should be taken into custody, questioned and have their
hardware obtained for forensic analysis before a month of bugs is due
to start

[10]individuals threatening to carry out a month of bugs shouldn't be 
labelled as "security researchers" by the media and security experts

[11]such individuals should be clearly labelled as "criminals",
"malicious attackers" and "blackhats", no matter what other "friendly" 
or "useful" research they've carried out in the past.

[media dork reference]

n3tty!!! Missed you dude! 

[1] I am so happy you're back
[2] My happiness is very much
[3] same point as [1] but differently put
[4] Point that seems to be different from 1 and 3 but is not
[45] I'm soo happy!!

Where were you all these days? Whats up with the site your 'security' site?? 
And the list? And the yahoo world-domination plans? Geez!! so much to talk 


PS : Whatever happened to Jeb Bush ? Doctors treated him?

"Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds" 
- Einstein

"Cuanta estupidez en tan poco cerebro!"
On Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:31 AM, Jeb Osama wrote:
>> From: n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>
>> [introduction]
>> n3td3v is deeply sad at the new trend of morally accepted blackmail by
>> the security community, known better as a month of bugs.
>> sincere researchers are coming forward more frequently to threaten
>> companies with a month of vendor bugs.
>> because they are known to be sincere they are morally left off the
>> hook from what is known by n3td3v to be straight forward blackmail.
>> blackmail is illegal, for this reason n3td3v wishes to make the
>> following recommendations:
>> [1]bug a day for a month campaigns are blackmail on the part of the
>> researcher, all should be outlawed by government.
>> [2]n3td3v calls on the government to make it highly illegal and
>> morally unacceptable to threaten a month of bugs for a vendor and its
>> customers
>> [3]security researchers think its "fun" but all it amounts to is blackmail
>> [4]all blackmail attempts shouldn't be dressed up as harmless fun
>> [5]governments need to wake up and swiftly arrest those making month
>> of bug claims in the future
>> [6]corporations and its consumers shouldn't be scared mongered and
>> threatened by individuals
>> [7]researchers shouldn't use their real name or real place of
>> employment and expect exclusion from legal action against blackmail
>> [8]researchers shouldn't be allowed to profit or gain career
>> opportunities by such claims to action by the researcher
>> [9]researchers should be taken into custody, questioned and have their
>> hardware obtained for forensic analysis before a month of bugs is due
>> to start
>> [10]individuals threatening to carry out a month of bugs shouldn't be
>> labelled as "security researchers" by the media and security experts
>> [11]such individuals should be clearly labelled as "criminals",
>> "malicious attackers" and "blackhats", no matter what other "friendly"
>> or "useful" research they've carried out in the past.
>> [media dork reference]
>> http://news.com.com/2061-10793_3-6144833.html
>Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 23:01:15 +0530
>From: Jeb Osama
>To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v calls on month of bug campaigns to stop
>n3tty!!! Missed you dude!
>[1] I am so happy you're back
>[2] My happiness is very much
>[3] same point as [1] but differently put
>[4] Point that seems to be different from 1 and 3 but is not
>[45] I'm soo happy!!
>Where were you all these days? Whats up with the site your 'security' site??
>And the list? And the yahoo world-domination plans? Geez!! so much to talk
>PS : Whatever happened to Jeb Bush ? Doctors treated him?

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