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[Full-disclosure] [CAID 34876]: CA CleverPath Portal Session Inheritance Vulnerability

Title: CAID 34876: CA CleverPath Portal Session Inheritance

CA Vulnerability ID (CAID): 34876

CA Advisory Date: 2006-12-19

Discovered By: CA customer and CA Technical Support

Impact: Remote attackers can potentially gain access to a user's 
Portal session.

Summary: CA CleverPath Portal and other CA solutions that embed 
Portal technology contain a session verification vulnerability.  
In certain multiple Portal server configurations, a user who 
connects through one Portal server could conceivably inherit the 
Portal session and associated security authentication of a user 
running on another Portal server.

Mitigating Factors: This problem only occurs when multiple Portal 
servers are sharing a common data store, and two of the Portal 
servers are started at exactly the same time. Typically, customers 
deploy multiple Portal servers in this type of configuration to 
utilize high-availability failover and load balancing. A multi 
CleverPath Portal server environment is not a default deployment, 
but it is an optional post installation configuration. None of the 
CA solutions that embed the Portal technology install into this 
scenario, or offer a multiple Portal server environment as a 
configurable option. However, it is conceivable that a 
knowledgeable administrator could have modified an embedded Portal 
environment to leverage multiple Portal servers.

Severity: CA has given this vulnerability a Low risk rating.

Affected Products:
CleverPath Portal r4.51
CleverPath Portal r4.7
CleverPath Portal r4.71
BrightStor Portal r11.1
CleverPath Aion BPM r10
CleverPath Aion BPM r10.1
CleverPath Aion BPM r10.2
eTrust Security Command Center r1
eTrust Security Command Center r8
Unicenter Asset and Portfolio Management r11
Unicenter Database Management Portal r11
Unicenter Database Command Center r11.1
Unicenter Enterprise Job Manager r1 SP3
Unicenter Workload Control Center r1 SP4
Unicenter Management Portal r2.0
Unicenter Management Portal r3.1
Unicenter Management Portal r11.0

Affected platforms:
All supported operating systems (Windows, Linux, and supported 
UNIX platforms).

Status and Recommendation: 
The most prudent course of action for affected customers is to 
download and apply the corrective maintenance. If the maintenance 
cannot be applied right away, CA Technical Support recommends 
implementing interim operational process controls to ensure, when 
multiple Portal servers are sharing a common data store, that the 
server start times are duly staggered by at least one minute.

Determining if you are affected: 
Affected Portal installations must meet both of the following 
1) You are not at Portal maintenance version 4.71.001_179_060830 
   or higher. To determine your portal version:
   a. Login as a Portal Administrator.
   b. Choose "My Profile" from the upper right-hand portion of the 
      main workplace.
   c. Click on the "Portal Administration" link.
   d. The Portal version will be displayed in the right-hand pane 
      under Statistics.
2) You are running CA's Portal technology in a multi-server 
   environment. To determine if you are running a multi-server 
   a. Login as a Portal Administrator.
   b. Choose "My Profile" from the upper right-hand portion of the 
      main workplace.
   c. Click on the "Portal Administration" link.
   d. If the "Jump to Portal" menu appears in the left Portal 
      Administration pane, you are using a multiple-server 
      environment. If you do not see the "Jump to Portal" section, 
      then Portal is not running in a multi-server environment and 
      is not affected by this vulnerability.
Note: refer to the SupportConnect Security Notice for additional 

References (URLs may wrap): 
CA SupportConnect:
CA SupportConnect security notice for this vulnerability:
Important Security Notice for CA CleverPath and Embedded Portal
Solution Document Reference APARs: 
Refer to the SupportConnect Security Notice.
CA Security Advisor posting:
CA CleverPath Portal Session Inheritance Vulnerability
CAID: 34876
CAID Advisory link: 
CVE Reference: CVE-2006-6641
OSVDB Reference: OSVDB-30854

Changelog for this advisory:
v1.0 - Initial Release

Customers who require additional information should contact CA 
Technical Support at http://supportconnect.ca.com.

For technical questions or comments related to this advisory,
please send email to vuln@xxxxxx, or contact me directly.

If you discover a vulnerability in CA products, please report
your findings to vuln@xxxxxx, or utilize our "Submit a 
Vulnerability" form.
URL: http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/vulninfo/submit.aspx

Ken Williams ; 0xE2941985
Director, CA Vulnerability Research

CA, One CA Plaza. Islandia, NY 11749
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