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[Full-disclosure] Fuzzers and brute forcers

Hi to all,

Attached goes various tools I wrote.

· A password brute forcer for MS SQL Server/Sybase. It's a dictionary
based one. Small size dictionary (23401 passwords) included. You only
need a valid Python installation; no need for MS SQL Server/Sybase
client libraries.

· A simple FTP fuzzing tool (Python).

· A MS SQL Server/Sybase stored procedures fuzzing tool. Python 2.4 and
pymssql ARE required.

Licensed under the GPL. May be interesting for someone else...

Joxean Koret

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jeikiko dira egiazko Ziberotarrak,
egiazko eüskaldünak,
tirano arrotzen hiltzeko 
eta gure aiten aitek ützi daikien 
lurraren popüliari erremetitzeko.

Attachment: tools.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Esta parte del mensaje =?iso-8859-1?q?est=E1?= firmada digitalmente

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