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Re: [Full-disclosure] looking for security community input

Its just an idea-
But how about including "Cyber Defense & Counter Measures"?

--- Gadi Evron <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi guys.
> This January a couple hundred people from the net-ops world, anti virus,
> anti spam, law enforcement, etc. are getting together.
> I'd appreciate if any of you can send me input (off list, if not relevant
> to generate discussion) on what the security community at large, rather 
> than just the security operations community, sees and is pre-occupied by.
> Specifically on subjects such as:
> 1. Attacks.
> 2. Law enforcement.
> 3. DDoS.
> 4. Botnets.
> 5. Financial fraud.
> 6. Spam.
> 7. End users (bots?)
> 8. Corporate espionage.
> 9. Incident response
> 10. Your topic here?
> And whats specifically you've had issues with and/or are looking for
> solutions for or for what others are doing when it comes to security and
> security related issues. Please note, this is about security operations
> and Internet-wide threats which affect us all, more than local corporate
> security issues.
> We will relay information back after the workshop, likely in early
> February.
> To ask specific questions and/or direct us in specific directions, pick
> and choose:
> http://isotf.org/isoi2.html
> Thanks,
>       Gadi.

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