On 12/3/06, Dave No, not that one Korn <davek_throwaway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> TheGesus wrote:
> > More and more people are hearing the recommendation to "withdraw a
> > little extra cash out of the banks" to prepare for cyber attacks. If
> > as many as 1.32% of bank depositors take their advice and withdraw all
> > their money, the banks will close their doors.
> >
> > Al Qaeda threatens to disrupt the electronic bank payments system.
> > This system contributes about 90% of the US money supply. Without it,
> > 10% of the money supply (the cash & coin) must take over the work of
> > the other 90%.
> >
> > Conclusion: Withdraw and stockpile some cash now. Shoot for at least
> > three months' cash requirements. Don't wait. Start now.
> AQ don't intend to "attack the banking system". They plan to get
> paranoids, suckers, and conspiracy-theorists like you to do their dirty
> for them. They just need to spread a rumour and then sit back and watch
> all you "loyal patriots" trash your own country out of fear and
> ObTopic: Sounds like a social engineering attack to me; attempting to
> manipulate the users of a service into acting as an implicit ddos
> it.
> cheers,
> DaveK
> --
> Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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I was only quoting (with a little creative editing) the late(?),
great(?) Paul Milne of Y2K disaster fame.
There's a goldmine in there...
"If you live within 5 miles of a 7-11, you're toast"
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