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Re: [Full-disclosure] ZDI-06-043: Novell Netware Client Print Provider Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Thanks for pointing this out JP, it does in fact look confusing. We 
determined during the Digital Vaccine filter creation process that a 
previously released filter was robust enough to block the attack without 
further modification and the vendor was immeditately notified.

ZDI Team

"Dude VanWinkle" <dudevanwinkle@xxxxxxxxx> 
11/30/2006 05:02 AM

full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [Full-disclosure] ZDI-06-043: Novell Netware Client Print Provider 
Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

On 11/29/06, zdi-disclosures@xxxxxxxx <zdi-disclosures@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ZDI-06-043: Novell Netware Client Print Provider Buffer Overflow
>             Vulnerability
> http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-06-043.html
> November 29, 2006
> -- Disclosure Timeline:
> 2005.07.07 - Digital Vaccine released to TippingPoint customers
> 2006.10.02 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
> 2006.11.29 - Coordinated public release of advisory

you waited over a year to report it to the vendor?

sounds like analyzing your digital vaccine rules might yield a slew of
reproducible 0 days that vendors are unaware of.....

-JP<who is admittedly unaware of the tippingpoint vaccine format, and
about how much info can be gleaned from it>

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