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[Full-disclosure] The state of JavaScript Hacking
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, websecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Web Application Security" <webappsec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, security-basics@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Penetration Testing" <pen-test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, dailydave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] The state of JavaScript Hacking
- From: "pdp (architect)" <pdp.gnucitizen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 14:51:37 +0000
Please take my apologize if the following post has offended you in any
way. The reason I posted it here is because I wanted to get this
massage heard by a wider audience. What better place to talk about
this than the security mailing lists.
In this post I would like to share a few thoughts with you about the
importance of JavaScript and other under appreciate web technologies
and their impact on the computer security industry and our lives in
general. The purpose of this is to bring more light on the matter.
Although this topic is becoming clearer now, I can still see quite a
lot confused security professionals thriving to comprehend the core
principles of these, relatively new, types of attacks. In this article
I hope that I will be able to present my view as briefly and
accurately as possible.
As you might already know JavaScript is becoming more and more popular
among Web developers. The reason for this sudden growth is AJAX which
among other technologies brought some quite useful and exciting
features. Historically, AJAX is nothing new. This technology has been
known for ages although as I said earlier it has started being
implemented on a large scale just recently. On of the biggest AJAX
evangelist up to day is Google which I believe is responsible for the
AJAX hype in general. This is just a personal opinion.
AJAX and JavaScript are nothing new to security professionals, either.
You can see that various attack vectors related to these technologies
has been discovered in the past. I am not talking about browser
vulnerabilities but pure design and implementation insecurities. Among
them there are techniques such as XSS (a.k.a Cross-site scripting) and
CSRF (a.k.a Cross-site request forgery). Both of them outline ways of
performing information gathering, session hijacking and request
forging. From the user prospective this is very serious but not that
many companies have taken it seriously because they don't really
understand them, I suppose.
You are probably aware of XSS and CSRF because the state of JavaScript
hacking today is based around them. However, because of them the
security industry has never really understood their real potential.
Simply put, performing session hijacking is not as interesting as
sniffing the air and forging someone's requests is just not as fun as
obtaining remote access. Will that change?
What security professionals must understand is that JavaScript is not
about web pages anymore. It is a technology that is currently
overtaking every WEB frontline and the desktop too. JavaScript is used
on servers, web pages and desktop applications. It is a bridge
technology. WEB designers use JavaScript to glue visual elements while
browser vendors glue desktops and servers. The technology is the same
all over the place which means less coding. That results into less
money spent. Very utopic I must say.
If you have less overhead with developing desktop and web applications
with JavaScript don't you think that attackers will have the same
benefit? They can write cross-platformed viruses that can compromise
desktop and web applications at the same time. Code once, destruct
everywhere! Mozilla and Adobe are the biggest cheerleaders in this
game. Microsoft is somewhere behind but they are quickly catching up.
Mozilla with their XUL makes attackers life so much easier. It is not
that the Mozilla browser is vulnerable to any specific type of attack
but the past has already proved many times that eventually someone
will find an issue with the architecture. Then people will find the
same mistake in other places. The Mozilla XUL is considered a true RIA
(Rich Internet Application) platform that is currently the base of
many open source products. All of them support JavaScript, CSS, Flash
(if installed) and Java (if installed). If the developers of these
applications don't have deep understandings of the security
implications of the Mozilla platform the WEB will become suddenly very
dangerous place for them.
Adobe on the other hand is making the process of creating a browser so
transparent that everyone, I mean everyone, even your grandma will be
able to create one in seconds. I am talking about Adobe's Apollo
framework which is build on the top of Flex. If you haven't heard of
it go and research now. Come back later. Don't get me wrong, I will
probably use this platform to write a few security tools but just
think about this for a second: developers will be able to write
applications that will integrate the desktop with the WEB using
already proven WEB technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, ActionScript,
Flash and AJAX. I don't really know what Apollo's security model will
be but apparently you can do whatever you want as long as the
application is installed on the host environment. BTW, you install
applications with a single click. Moreover, given the fact that Flash
is so well spread, I am almost 90% sure that Adobe will want to push
down their Apollo technology to every single computer on the this
planet. And guess what, JavaScript has access to Apollo's runtime just
like Firefox and Opera has access to Java via LiveConnect. If you
develop applications with Apollo and you don't set the security model
properly the RSS feeds your are eating may start eating you.
Last but not least we have Microsoft with their XAML and WPF (Windows
Presentation Foundation). I am sure that not that many people have
heard of these technologies so let me explain what they are in brief.
They are the Microsoft's way to do RIA. The only thing is that they
relay on .NET3 which makes them explicitly for Windows. I am not sure
what is the state of the MONO project though.
WPF will allow you to build Rich Internet Applications with XML, CSS
and .NET. .NET supports many languages one of which is JavaScript. Try
to do some coding in ASP and you will see that it feels the same as
browser JavaScript. This is JavaScript on the server, the browser and
the desktop. It enables web worms and future high-end attackers to a
degree hardly imaginable by anyone today.
So what will be the state of JavaScript hacking in the future? WEB
technologies will spread all over our lives. Your fridge and mobile
will be powered by Flash Light and Java. Your desktop will be crowded
with WPF games and Apollo goodies. Your website will run on AJAX, CSS
and XHTML. Code once, destruct everywhere!
If you are still not convinced that this is not a joke I really don't
know where to forward you to for more information. I guess you should
wait until things start happening.
pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov
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