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Re: [Full-disclosure] Vulnerabilities in Client Service for NetWare

daylasoul@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> Please take disagreements, flames, and arguments off the list if
> possible.

  Reposting the entire thing makes you a hypocrite.  Why is it ok for YOU to 
post that message but not ok for the OP to post it?  Answer: it isn't.

  How about getting the bloody tree trunk out of your eye before you go 
criticising the splinter in anybody else's, eh?  You are a spammer, you 
contribute zero content, your postings are BI>20, you repost entire 
off-topic postings to add one bloody line.

  Plus it's pretty damn sad that your greatest ambition in life is to be 
'hall monitor'.  Whoop-de-doo, you've achieved the same level of 
accomplishment as an unconscious automaton.  Congratulations.  Let us know 
if you ever move up the scale of existence from 'inert inorganic matter' to 
something more advanced, like slime mould, ok?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today.... 

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