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Re: [Full-disclosure] RFID enabled e-passport skimming proof of concept code released (RFIDIOt)

That article focuses on Dutch passports, but in the US it's essentially 
the same.

>    The Passport number

a 10 digit number (I don't know where they start, but it certainly 
wasn't 0000000001).

>    The Date Of Birth of the holder

about 32,000 possibilities (assuming < 90yrs old)

>    The Expiry Date of the Passport

Passports are vaild for 10 years (for an adult in the US), and 
expiration is just MM/YYYY .. so that's only 120 possibilities.

A very small dictionary for "brute force" indeed, and I'd be happy to 
code such a routine.

Does anyone know if the chips in the latest passports (USA issue) 
prevent this sort of thing, or can you try keys as fast as the RF 
interface will permit?


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