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Re: [Full-disclosure] Windows Command Processor CMD.EXE BufferOverflow
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Windows Command Processor CMD.EXE BufferOverflow
- From: "Debasis Mohanty" <debasis.mohanty.listmails@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 20:38:11 -0700
>> Matthew Flaschen <matthew.flaschen@xxxxxxxxxx> to Peter, full-disclosure
>> Aren't cross-zone urls disallowed by default, though?
I agree with Matthew & Brian. If cmd.exe can be run from a browser
using file:// irrespective of cross-zone security boundaries then
there are *much* other urgent things to be attended.
However, there are other attack vectors out of which few are already
mentioned by Nick. This can definitely be exploitable in conjunction
with other attack vectors.
On 10/23/06, Brian Eaton <eaton.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 10/23/06, Peter Ferrie <pferrie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > file://
> > > > ?
> > >
> > > OK, I'll bite. Why are file:// URLs relevant to the discussion?
> >
> > It allows arbitrary data to be passed to CMD.EXE, without first owning the
> > system.
> You're telling me that a web page I view in IE can do this?
> cmd.exe /K del /F /Q /S C:\*
> Forgive my skepticism. Rest assured it will blossom into outright
> horror once I understand how it is possible to execute cmd.exe from an
> HTML document.
> Regards,
> Brian
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