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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ask for spam...

On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 09:41:08PM -0400, Peter Dawson wrote:
> I think the point here is that you seed you email addy to these freebie
> newsletters and then wait for the spammer to harverst the email addy's.
> Propagation window shoud be about 10-15 days and then you can counter
> anlaysis the source data within smtp

The problem is that you'll catch things that are actually email that
the user ostensibly requested, from the original source, no matter

I find the vast majority of my spam shows up from web spiders
harvesting mailing list archives online that do not munge email
addresses and GNATs bug databases, which may be a better
clean-room way to put email addresses Out There.

gabriel rosenkoetter

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