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- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: "Nick Oliver" <nwoliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:18:29 -0500
I find it interesting that on a list of intelligent, educated people, there
would be NO condemnation whatsoever of the persons who uttered the overtly
racist crap that started this thread, but the minute Paul defends his
country and its actions to defend itself, that HE and this country would be
Well, I am here to tell you that this Ugly American right wing trash agrees
with Paul. This country, with all its faults, is the only country on this
sad planet with the guts and determination to TRY to right wrongs. If you
left it up to the UN and the rest of the world to help the helpless, then
nothing would get done.
On 10/12/06, rek2 GNU/Linux LO LO LO <rek2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
trust me I live here for 10 years in Boston and people in the US mostly
in Indiana is the most fascist and patriotic people I ever seen in my
life! I try to take it as a good thing but sometimes it just to much
reminds me to much to
obscure fascist goverments from the pass...
**runs away and hide***
ninjadaito@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Yep! There you go now!
> Right there is the perfect example of the ignorant, ugly American.
> You had best start examining your own history a little more closely
> Paul, and stop believing everything your Government and the
> complicit American media tells you.
> The sooner that you and the rest of your patriotic right-wing trash
> wake up, the better off the rest of the world will be.
> Love,
> Ninja.
> On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:51:05 +1000 Paul Schmehl
> <pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> --On Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:13:44 -0400 y0himba
> >> <y0himba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >>> <SoapBox>
> >>> <OffTopic>
> >>>
> >>> I was surprised. I would have thought someone of your
> >> intelligence would
> >>> be above common low-brow racism and insults. Racism is
> >> yesterday.
> >>> Racism is for pathetic, no life Internet punks trying to get
> >> attention
> >>> and appear cool to people they will never meet.
> >>>
> >>> Today American people suffer from fear of anyone who appears
> >> Arab or
> >>> Middle Eastern in appearance. This fear is induced by
> >> government and
> >>> media. I am a Lebanese American, born and raised here. My
> >> Grandparents
> >>> and assorted relatives came over "on the boat" so to speak. We
> >> are all
> >>> Middle Eastern in appearance and ancestry. When 9/11 happened,
> >> I had to
> >>> deal with bricks through my windows, death threats to myself, my
> >> "white"
> >>> wife and our darker skinned children, and the killing of our
> >> family pet
> >>> dog. My Grandparents and Parents went though the death threats
> >> and broken
> >>> windows, and the police refused to place a car outside the home
> >> for
> >>> whatever reason.
> >>>
> >> I'm not suffering from any such fear. I don't know anyone who is.
> >> I am,
> >> however, determined to not allow some 14th century idiots,
> >> infected with a
> >> most virulent strain of anti-semitism and a profound admiration
> >> for Hitler
> >> and infested with a salacious love of murder (that is exercised
> >> primarily
> >> on their own people!) to control me or my country or any other
> >> country for
> >> that matter.
> >>
> >> May we assume that you would condemn equally the racism that is so
> >> rampant
> >> in the mideast as you do the racism that exists in America? What
> >> about
> >> those who cloak themselves in the flag of Islam while outrageously
> >>
> >> violating its most basic tenets? Will you condemn them as well?
> >>
> >> Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
> >> Adjunct Information Security Officer
> >> The University of Texas at Dallas
> >> http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/security/
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