Contex -
>If you consider that America are
>able to lie about the weapons of mass
>destruction and then admit it,
"America" never lied about WMD.
America is not in a position to prove that any WMD stockpiles
existed past December of 1998, when Saddam kicked out the UN; but
at worst that makes them wrong, not liars.
>use chemical weapons in Iraq and lie
>about it and then admit it
America did not use Nerve Agents or Blister Agents in Iraq.
Nerve Agents and Blister Agents are "Chemical Waepons".
Smoke Generators and tear gas are not. Unless of course you are
seeking to redefine the word to fit a political agenda.
>On Wikipedia they also discuss the
>mans "criminal history", what has
>that got to do with anything other
>than making the man seem unreliable.
He IS unrealiable. He is also a fake.
His criminal history is part of his backstory.
On a personal note, speaking as someone who HAS served with the 3/75 Ranger
Regiment, it is my opinion that after what he did to besmirch the honor of
a Regiment that he never belonged to in the first place, he deserves to
have his name dragged through the mud. HE brought it upon HIMSELF.
>There are numerous other people
>who talk about the terror that has
>gone on in Iraq, including the use
>white phosphorous
White Phosphorous rounds are used to generate what is known as "Quick
Smoke". It's called "Quick Smoke" because WP rapidly generates thick white
clouds of dense smoke and as such is useful for situations where you want
to obscure the movement of friendly troops.
For the record, I did not look that up on Wikipedia, it was part of my
military Training as a Forward Observer. I am an expert of what is known as
Indirect Fire Support and the ammunition used therein. So when I tell you
that WP is a SMOKE GENERATOR and is neither a "Chemical Weapon" within the
meaning of "WMD", nor is it even remotely related to Napalm.
You do your cause no favor when you join the "Tinfoil Hat" brigade.
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