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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: George Bush appoints a 9 year old to be the chairperson of the Information Security Deportment
- To: pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: George Bush appoints a 9 year old to be the chairperson of the Information Security Deportment
- From: rek2 GNU/Linux LO LO LO <rek2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:19:29 -0400
>From Europe myself and living in the USA and listening to different
types of news media from all over the world, I came to the conclusion
that the media that is most altered and turn to one side to another to
ignore important news (even if this happens in all "free" countries )
is usually the US media the one that I find less likely for me to
believe and trust, mostly because tof he interest for the owners/share
holders or like in the last 5 year for fear of been label
unpatriotic.(thing that most Americans I talk to in the street are
wrong, I think patriotic will be to turn the shit up and tell the truth
at any cost ).
just my opinion.
pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> --On August 29, 2006 10:17:55 PM -0400 Dude VanWinkle
> <dudevanwinkle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 8/29/06, Paul Schmehl <pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Or this?
>>> <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4781551.stm>
>>> "On the evening of 23 July, he and two other medics answered a call to
>>> rendezvous with an ambulance from Tibnin, in the hills to the east, to
>>> relay three civilian patients down to Tyre.
>>> Both ambulances were struck precisely by separate rockets as they were
>>> stopped at the roadside near Qana for the transfer."
>>> We now know this story is false - Hezbollah propaganda swallowed hook,
>>> line and sinker by the vaunted "unbiased" media.
>>> That includes your beloved BBC, BTW.
>> Look at the results of your search query: Not a CNN, MSNBC, NY Times,
>> ETC, among them.
>> Question: Why would the Jewish controlled media (CNN, MSNBC, NY Times,
>> ETC) not publish this story, considering it detracts from the validity
>> of the Hezbollah movement? Why arent these high ranking sights in the
>> search results, when all they have to reap is benefit from their
>> publications?
> I can think of two explanations. Either the story isn't fake (very
> unlikely if you read the evidence) or the media isn't controlled by
> the jews after all.
> Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
> Adjunct Information Security Officer
> The University of Texas at Dallas
> http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/security/
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