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[OT] Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: George Bush appoints a 9 year old to be the chairperson of the Information Security Deportment

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:20:35 CDT, Paul Schmehl said:

> Hezbollah tells a story.  BBC repeats it.  No effort is made to see if the
> story is actually true.  But it's not bias.  Sure thing.

That's called sloppy journalism, when you don't bother checking.  Bias is
when you *do* make an effort to check out the story, and then decide which
version to run with.  There's a difference.

For *that* matter Paul, *you* are showing bias (by your own definition),
since you didn't bother actually finding out if it was a sloppy reporter
or an actual attempt to slant the facts.. 

"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

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