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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: George Bush appoints a 9 year old to be the chairperson of the Information Security Deportment

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:55:09 CDT, Paul Schmehl said:
> > 1] Hezbollah has managed to become an important presence in the
> > Lebanese Parliament
> They just left out - by killing opposition leaders and threatening others.

Like your government doesn't do that too?

> > 2] It has gained support for this  power by providing [unnamed] social
> > services
> They left out - by conterfeiting US currency and receiving funding from Iran.

What's wrong with receiving funding from Iran? The exact same thing that
is wrong with any country accepting foreign aid from us (as percieved by
our enemies).

Admittedly, we don't counterfeit currency - we just print more as needed,
or kite checks (aka selling Treasury bonds).

> > 3] It has gained support for this power by providing health care [to
> > an unnamed population]
> Ditto.  And ask those southern Lebanese how they feel about those health
> services now.  Hezbollah built ammo dumps under schools and hospitals.  Did
> the BBC tell you that?

The case can be made that putting ammo dumps there is actually *saving*
human life, because the Hezbollah people know we won't bomb a school.  If they
put the dumps out where we'd be tempted to bomb them, the resulting
explosion could easily kill and maim people for a long distance around.

So it's just Hezbollah removing the temptation from us to kill everybody in
a half-mile radius. :)

> > 4] It has a tv station, which is influential [it is not stated if this
> > is a cause or an effect]
> >
> They left out - a virulently anti-semitic terrorist propaganda outlet that
> spews so much hatred that they've been banned from every Eurpopean country.

And our leadership didn't spew hatred in order to get the War on Terror going?

Pot, Kettle, you call the color, Paul.

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