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Re: [Full-disclosure] Reverse LOL HELLO FURRY PORN

What's truly impressive is that they know about your llama... I wonder
if you're under surveillance?  ;)

Dude VanWinkle wrote:
> On 8/15/06, *cardoso* <cardosolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:cardosolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Back in the old BBS days it was an old trick already.
>     "Oh, it wasn´t me. My friend/cousing/dog/pel llama used my computer and
>     sent those lucky charm chain mails and all the get rich fast schemes,
>     please do not ban me from your BBS" 
> Damn you busted me, I am also n3td3v and the XSS people. all of em.
> crap, and I thought I was being stealthy
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