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Re: [Full-disclosure] LOL HY

On 8/15/06, Matt Burnett <marukka@xxxxxxx> wrote:
What the fuck is my problem? I had to dl ~1MB of shitty porn, which
prevents me from having 1.5 seconds more of decent high quality porn.
Thats my fucking problem.

Now the real question is what the fuck is your problem? If its so
easy to not read these messages they why the fuck do you keep reading

So would you tell me what the "the idea of fd" is? Last time i read
the charter it was supposed to be about security. Thats what the fuck
the idea of FD is, mother fucking security, not shitty porn. Would
you mind informing everyone here how crappy porn fits in to the idea
of fd? BTW what is your convoluted "idea of fd"?

see, now THIS is good tv.

come on producers, where is the fd tv show ...

-- mic

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