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Re: [Full-disclosure] If we can read 19, 832 n3td3v posts, we can do 1 open hate mail to Lieberman!

We should build a shrine for Joe Lieberman and bask in it's glory. He is
probably the best politician of our generation.

On 8/9/06, J.A. Terranson <measl@xxxxxxx> wrote:

(This was sent in reponse to a mass email sent out by Joe - even though me
and him have had nothing to do with each other for a *long*, LONG, time.


Joe -

If you check your records, you'll see that I contributed to your campaign
(last time) at the same rate I gave to the Lamont campaign *this* time
[about $1,500.00].

My change of heart wasn't brought about by your support of the Angry
Midget in the White House.  It wasn't a result of your support of many
Republican policies and positions.  I didn't "dump" you because of *any*
of your political positions.  I left you because you left us first!

Joe Lieberman hasn't been a supporter of the State of Connecticut for
several years now - unfortunately, Joe has been supporting ONLY Joe
himself.  Lieberman for Lieberman through thick and thin.  Your current
plan to run as an independent, rather that the honorable thing (support
the fairly elected candidate, just like YOU were DEMANDING just a few
short months ago) is a great illustration of this point.

Frankly Joe, you've become disgusting.  An overgrown self-centered child,
who's sole interest is to loook out for your own fat and greasy hide.

How do you sleep at night?  How does Hadassah sleep by your side?  The
stench of hypocrisy is thick by your feet.

I urge you to rethink this ill advised plan to turn your back on what you
claim has been decades of loyalty to both the constituency and the
Democratic party: there is still time to accept your current situation and
to stand up as an honorable man - supporting your family, party, and

With respect for the Joe Lieberman I used to support, I am, sincerely
yours -

Alif Terranson

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