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RE: [Full-disclosure] New Laptop Polices

If the data is encrypted on laptop that mitigates loss. If you have never heard 
truecrypt (as one possibility that is free), go learn (and use!) now.

However I fail to see the governments doing much to see that whatever gets 
through in fact GETS to the destination with the passenger, is 
un stolen-from, and in fact also GETS to the passenger again. Much better 
safety of
the materials ought to be as high a priority as the interference. They need 
also to
consider that for example piezoelectric quartz could be an igniter. Those bits 
tiny (would be hard to see in sand). Probably scores or more of other ways to 
ignition are doable also. Detective work to keep attackers from getting on 
planes in
the first place seems more effective.

If instead of just taking things from people they would pack them and carry 
them on
the plane (perhaps in a resistant box) and deliver back to passengers, the pain 
of finding
you have some contraband du jour and must either lose it forever or not fly 
could be
lessened. Such actions would go a rather long way to mitigate, in turn, the 
being caused for travellers.
Glenn Everhart
(speaking for myself)

-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 12:34 PM
To: Cullen, Michael
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] New Laptop Polices


Cullen, Michael wrote:

> Given the new threats and the change in policy with the airlines and
> traveling in and around the UK, has anyone changed their laptop and
> portable computing device policy?  We are being questioned about the
> safety of executives traveling with their laptops.

Last thing I heard was that the new policy was "no electronics in hand

I just had an idea for an interesting venture: At the airport, offer a
service that takes laptops, creates an image, sends that image to the
destination airport where it is put onto a new laptop that is then
rented to the client. On return, do the same thing in the other
direction. Couple with optional virus scanning for $5 extra.

Pointy-haired bosses are going to love this.


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