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[Full-disclosure] Re: Yahoo security consultant shrugs off Yahoo Finance defacement

So you've started with theatre now. Good Good.. I like variation.

From: n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Yahoo security consultant shrugs off Yahoo
        Finance defacement
To: n3td3v <n3td3v@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Yahoo Security Contact <security@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

n3td3v: silence is a sign of ignorance
markiseiden: it's a sign of being an hour late for something.
n3td3v: what about yahoo finance?
n3td3v: are you not to blame?
n3td3v: you were supposed to be protecting yahoo
markiseiden: you're a tedious pain in the ass.

Deja vu.

n3td3v: yahoo pay you thousands of dollars a year not to get hacked by
brazilian script kiddies
markiseiden: well, at least they're brasilian, so they know how to
have a good time.
n3td3v: the buck never stops at anyone at yahoo, no one ever gets into
markiseiden: you have no standing to make accusations.
markiseiden: i'm going now.
n3td3v: someone was responsible for keeping those servers secure
n3td3v: someone failed in their job description
markiseiden: and it's your job to be witchhunter, accuser, judge, jury
and executioner, right?  all on a volunteer basis.  of course, you've
never had a job in any company working with other people or with
actual products.
markiseiden: i'm going now.
n3td3v: trust me i'll say what i want this is a democratic country i live
n3td3v: i'll put this on fd
n3td3v: i'm sick of people getting paid money to secure yahoo and when
they get hacked no one gets into trouble
n3td3v: where were yahoo's ethical hackers when yahoo got hacked?
n3td3v: scracting their balls looking at their wage packet and sipping
on a martini
n3td3v: shaken not stirred
n3td3v: wankers
n3td3v: you were the one who is ment to have automated tools to scan
netblocks at least once a week
n3td3v: and pen test
n3td3v: it looks like the kiddies pen tested for you
n3td3v: you can bet they scanned with an automated tool and couldn't
believe it
n3td3v: they got so excited and made a custom "yahoo owned" logo
n3td3v: got to go, bye
n3td3v: this just prooves yahoo is worthless
n3td3v: no matter how much money is pumped into securing yahoo
n3td3v: you let yourselves down
n3td3v: the money gone to your heads
n3td3v: bye

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