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Re: [Full-disclosure] Linux kernel 0day - dynamite inside, don't burn your fingers

El vie, 14-07-2006 a las 23:55 +0200, Dan B escribió:
> Hello,
> Joanna R. wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > attached 0day kernel 2.6 local root exploit. This is a new genuine
> > bug,  unpatched in - don't get confused by prctl inside - it
> > is only used to change process status.

Tested on - it works 

> Tested on
> dan@n-box ~ $ uname -a
> Linux n-box 2.6.16-gentoo-r9 #1 Fri Jun 9 16:44:22 CEST 2006 i686
> Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz GNU/Linux
> dan@n-box ~ $ ./h00lyshit ./Media/Audio/DnB/TheEngineer_060331.mp3
> preparing
> trying to exploit ./Media/Audio/DnB/TheEngineer_060331.mp3
> sh-3.1# id
> uid=0(root) gid=100(users) 
> groups=7(lp),10(wheel),18(audio),27(video),35(games),81(apache),100(users),7353(svnusers)
> sh-3.1# whoami
> root
> sh-3.1#
> > The code exploits a root race in /proc
> So it does :)
> >
> > have a nice day.
> But this means that I've gotta worry about more servers now! Dam it!
> And is there a workaround to protect against this attack?

Mount /proc as nosuid.

> Cheers,
> Dan.


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Iñaki Rodríguez
Departamento de Sistemas
Dedicated Hosting services

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