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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: [funsec] Vishing (voice/phone phishing) - public incident

examples I saw were an automated system that accepted your credit card
number along with PIN.

asterisk maybe?

Harry Hoffman
Integrated Portable Solutions, LLC
877.846.5927 ext 1000

Dude VanWinkle wrote:
> On 6/23/06, Gadi Evron <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Last year some of us made jokes about Vishing on funsec, today it's a
>> reality. Here is the incident going public:
>> http://www.websense.com/securitylabs/alerts/alert.php?AlertID=534
>> Special thanks to the good guys at Websense and the PIRT guys at
>> CastleCOPS PIRT.
>> I guess jokes about Vishing with a heavy Russian accent were good, too
>> bad
>> this wave file doesn't have that accent. :)
>> The attacked party is Santa Barbara Bank & Trust. I suppose the IRS will
>> also take interest in this.
> Dang, I was thinking the msg would be "Please call our support hotline
> at 1-900...."
> Is someone really sitting at the phone waiting for customers to call
> up, or is it an automated greeting that walks you through a "password
> reset"?
> -JP
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