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Re: [Full-disclosure] researchers want slice of profit and vow pull out of mailing list disclosures

On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 03:07:58PM +0100, internationalhackers wrote:
> john cartwright rejected our post to the full-disclosure mailing list in
> reply to the 'multiple yahoo vulnerability' advisory

What, this one? 

> don't be fooled by the unmoderated condition of the list, john cartwright
> has both our e-mail accounts on moderation.

Yes, all of them, and this one too, now.

> we're not mentioning our alias, so we can beat the procmail filters, which
> have been setup by nasty individuals who constantly post to the list
> complaining about our posts, on an 'unmoderated mailing list'.

As I pointed out in private email, the act of repeatedly registering 
accounts to bypass access control is blatant abuse, and a mail is on 
its way to your ISP. Read the charter. The list is unmoderated for those
individuals responsible enough to handle that privilege, and there are
still rules to be followed.

You may post from your n3td3v@xxxxxxxxx account, moderated, until you 
learn to follow the rules. All other accounts registered by you or 
your group will be banned/moderated and followed up by an abuse report 
to your ISP, as promised. Keep up the recent on-topic behaviour (like 
the message that I supposedly rejected) and the moderation will be 
lifted. Your choice.

- John

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/