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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible DOS issue in OpenSSH ssh client

Espen Grøndahl wrote:
During some testing I found a possible bug/issue with OpenSSH ssh client.

MachineA # cat < /dev/zero | nc –l –p 3000

MachineB# ssh someone@MachineA –p 3000

I have tested on OpenBSD 3.9, CentOS 4.3, Debian 3.1 and Solaris 9.

This consumes 50-100% of available CPU time on MachineB ( depending on the
bandwith between them ).

What did the ssh client do? Did it eventually time out (as you would expect)? Or did it hang and never disconnect?

Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

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