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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v bashers on FD

I do not get your point about n3td3v . i also do not get "Good point
about symantec"
Are you stating that Symantec is not trustworthy ?

Javor Ninov aka DrFrancky

Alexander Hristov wrote:
> Good point about symantec
> On 6/3/06, n3td3v <n3td3v@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> We're the biggest security group around, theres nothing you can say to
>> change that. We are professionals who work at the major dot-coms and
>> earn all the money, you people are just stupid. You call us lame but
>> look at you. None of you have released vulnerabilites. None of you are
>> at the cutting edge of hacking, we're at the frontline of new tactics
>> to hack application and network security. You guys are just the people
>> sitting and waiting for hackers to post code so you can write about us
>> on securityfocus.com and news.com. Joris Evers and Robert Lemos
>> (Symantec/CNET) are making money out of everything posted on this
>> list, thats why they are multi million dollar corporations. They hate
>> to see this list disrupted, because they can't make money while n3td3v
>> bashing activity is underway. They hate to see their profit margins
>> dipping, they don't like to see there mail box filled with propaganda
>> for the biggest international non-profit group around. They want us to
>> leave the list so they can make money from their software to sell to
>> people. We're seen as the enemy...
>> Not only do Symantec and CNET hate us, script kids hate us as well,
>> because while the bashing is going on, no one is posting "free exploit
>> code" for them to deface web sites with. Hahaha. The Script kids and
>> Symantec/ CNETare the ones who hate n3td3v, all the real hackers are
>> on the side of n3td3v, its all about money at the end of the day. The
>> people who can hack their own zero-day don't care if n3td3v posts to
>> FD or not, its only script kids and Symantec CNET who care, because
>> without FD, they wouldnt have any other source of information to know
>> whats going on. These people need FD, its like a life line to them, if
>> it wasn't for FD, Symantec wouldn't know what was going on and neither
>> would CNET, they wouldn't know what hackers were upto without FD and
>> Bugtraq list.
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