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Re: [Full-disclosure] Strange Emails -- What are they?
- To: "Geo." <geoincidents@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Strange Emails -- What are they?
- From: Simon Smith <simon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:49:18 -0400
ok, that makes sense... will greylisting counter this?
Geo. wrote:
>> Alright,
>> If this is spam/email harvesting then please explain how it is
>> working without any legitimate return path? I understand blasting out
>> bunk emails with a legit return path, but these emails have no such
>> path. Whats the ditty?
> When you try and send email to a non-existant address, the receiving server
> rejects during the smtp transaction so a return address is not needed since
> the sending bot gets this error message before the transaction is completed.
> Geo.
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