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Re: [Full-disclosure] RFID used at Olympics in Germany

Josh L. Perrymon wrote:
Yeah.. I suppose their would be limitations on the amount of data that would be on the chip..

Maybe the will just use an ID number that refrences the user info in the DB....

Has anyone successfully performed SQL injections usinf RFID tags? I looked at a few papers but know it's not widespread. I'm thinking about getting an IPAQ and an RFID reader/writer to play around w/ this stuff.

It's certainly do-able if the target RFID reading system isn't doing the proper checks... for playing, I can recommend the ACG reader - should work fine in a Compaq as it's a CF card:


and if you've got python, you can drive it with RFIDIOt:


BTW, if anyone's got access to these tickets I'd love to have a look at one...

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