Mike Adams wrote:
> I'm really disappointed.
> All this will do is give all the other scumbag spammers out there proof
> that using these tactics will work, and they will be able to extort
> anyone.
> Who will be next, Trend Micro? Fortinet? Symantec? SANS?
If they actually do something effective against spam, then yes. Blue
Security was effective in hitting spammers in the pocketbook. Therefore,
they were targeted. More than that, the spammers began targeting broader
swaths of the Internet, taking out Typepad, Livejournal, and Tucows. The
attacker, a person whose handle is "Pharma Master," basically stated, if
he couldn't spam, there would be no Internet. Given that botnets are so
cheap, that was not an idle threat.
Bill Gates, I would personally like to thank you for creating a monopoly
operating system that is so easy to compromise. I'm sure Pharma Master
thanks you as well, though he may never publicly express it. He really
should consider a generous donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates
foundation as a token of appreciation. Any Mafia boss worth his salt
would do the same.
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