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[Full-disclosure] UPDATE: [ GLSA 200605-13 ] MySQL: Information leakage

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Gentoo Linux Security Advisory [UPDATE]               GLSA 200605-13:04
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  Severity: Low
     Title: MySQL: Information leakage
      Date: May 11, 2006
   Updated: May 15, 2006
      Bugs: #132146
        ID: 200605-13:04

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For a short time version 4.0.27 was incorrectly listed as vulnerable
and the resolution incorrectly forced an upgrade to 4.1.x for 4.0.x users.

The updated sections appear below.

Affected packages

     Package       /  Vulnerable  /                         Unaffected
  1  dev-db/mysql      < 4.1.19                              >= 4.1.19
                                                            *>= 4.0.27


All MySQL users should upgrade to the latest version.

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-db/mysql-4.0.27"


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:



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