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Re: [Full-disclosure] **LosseChange::Debunk it??**

I own a copy of <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0312318/>.  No matter
what your position or level of interest,  I recommend you rent or buy
this before considering acknowledging that..

On 5/12/06, bills@xxxxxxxxxxxx <bills@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Research resources:
http://www.st911.org/ - Scholars for 9/11 Truth

http://www.911inplanesite.com/ -  DVD/Video production of some of the most 
damning evidence surrounding the attack on the Pentagon centers about 
substantial and incontrovertible video and photographic evidence which insights 
viewers to ask crucial and essential questions.  After all, the laws of physics 
cannot be suspended or can they?

--- eisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

From: eisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] **LosseChange::Debunk it??**
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 21:27:39 +0200

OK, the video shows a lot of nonsense "facts". I'm not  an aviation engineer,
but technical educated. I don't think that there where real explosions when
the towers went down, but I did not hear any verifyable clarification about
the impact in the pentagon.

This is the part, which makes me distrustful.

So, if possible - does anyone have an explanation about the pentagon impact as
shown in the video?


On Thursday 11 May 2006 02:19, Morning Wood wrote:
> the only "fact" worth investigating in this is the sales of stocks leading
> up to 911.
>   viewed from a technical standpoint on the pentagon attack and the towers
> collapse... well this is just pure bullshit. anyone with basic physics and
> any amount of avation experience can see the author is absolutly clueless
> in regards to these technical points.
> my2bits,
> MW
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