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Re: [Full-disclosure] MS06-019 - How long before this develops into a self propagating email worm

One of the things that makes this a bit more dangerous is that the patch
causes problems so people are more reluctant to install the patch until they
see what problems others are having.  This could be interesting.

On 5/10/06 6:26 AM, "schanulleke.29172787@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<schanulleke.29172787@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> All,
> I have read the Microsoft advisory and the alarm bells started to
> whistle ;)
> As fas a I can read this open the door to fully self propagating
> email worms with whatever payload you desire.
> Yet, sans.org, symantec and
> us-cert.gov still have their threat levels on 1.
> What am I missing, surely
> this superseeds the IE7 0-day action (sorry couldn't resist).
> Schanulleke
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David Taylor //Sr. Information Security Specialist
University of Pennsylvania Information Security
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