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Re: [Full-disclosure] IE7 Zero Day
- To: <0x80@xxxxxxx>, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] IE7 Zero Day
- From: Dave Alanis <SDALAN04@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 16:04:00 -0500
I feel as an innocent bystander you have crossed the line and now you are being
rude. If someone is seriously interested in your 0'day exploit they will come.
Please, don't make this list worse than it already is.
Your not really posting valuable information to begin with.
On Friday, May 05, 2006 3:52 PM, 0x80@xxxxxxx wrote:
>Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 13:52:46 -0700
>From: 0x80@xxxxxxx
>To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <rcwhelan@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] IE7 Zero Day
>Ahhh there we go. Yes, so because a bunch of idiots who couldn't
>exploit themselves out of a paper bag are pissed off because I
>won't share my exploit you assume that no one wants to buy it.
>So far the bidding is up to a substantial number. The three
>parties bidding on the exploit have been given enough proof that
>both do exist and I am currently waiting their counter-offers.
>I'll let you wanna-be whitehat faggots (how low is it to be a wanna-
>be whitehat faggot and not a real whitehat faggot?) back to your
>XSS vulnerabilities and your flame wars about college admins and of
>course your favorite passtime of thinking you are some elite group
>of technogeeks when the reality is that even among the technogeeks
>you are the bottom of the barrel. The losers, the slime, the cock
>smoking fucking fucks.
>On Fri, 05 May 2006 13:41:48 -0700 Ryan Whelan <rcwhelan@xxxxxxxxx>
>>It is very apparent to me that no one wants to buy, your
>>'exploit'. I don't
>>think calling the industry 'pathetic' or the people associated
>>with it
>>'stupid' is going to win you any supporters. I would suggest you
>>fully disclose what you found, or just save what little dignity
>>you have
>>left and be quiet.
>>On 5/5/06, 0x80@xxxxxxx <0x80@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> It is amazing at the collective stupidity of so called security
>>> professionals. Yet I get questioned as to why I don't want to
>>> your pathetic industry.
>>> >Yeah, but since he can't sploit this "vuln" he claims to have
>>> >found, it's
>>> >perhaps not going to net him much interest nor cash from
>>> >being
>>> >he's also holding his cards so close4 to his vest.
>>> I said that it is not exploitable on IE 6.0. It is exploitable
>>> IE 7 all versions. Perhaps reading comprehension would be good
>>> you.
>>> >One might as well post it this way:
>>> >
>>> >someplace, somewhere is a pc with a vulnerable application,
>>> >where it
>>> >is and you can own it. Oh, but, pay me big bucks first so I
>>> >eat well
>>> >for a day or two.
>>> Are you the product of a broken condom during a gang rape?
>>> how to read before you pass judgement. Better yet, learn how to
>>> find your own vulnerabilities instead of wasting your time
>>> researching other people's wireless security issues.
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>>no account
>>> required
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