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[Full-disclosure] Yahoo Messenger Source Code Released: I.M Window Code
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] Yahoo Messenger Source Code Released: I.M Window Code
- From: n3td3v <n3td3v@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 00:34:47 +0100
$Handler("HandleFSCommand",arguments[0],arguments[1]) length) { return
text.substring(0,length) + '...'; } return text; } function
PadLeft(text, length, padChar) { while (text.length ').join(">");
g_debugWindow.document.write(n.getHours() + ":" + n.getMinutes() + ":"
+ n.getSeconds() + "." + PadLeft(n.getMilliseconds(),3,"0") + " : "
+ text + "
40) { searchTextTruncated = searchTextTruncated.substring(0,40) +
'...'; } html='Loading content...
Search for '+searchTextTruncated+''; searchShow.hurryUp = true; } }
else { // are we late? if (searchShow.hurryUp) { // barely
searchShow.hurryUp = false; } else { if (!searchShow.noWait) {
searchShow.htmlWaiting = html; searchShow.bgColor = backgroundColor;
return; } } } clearTimeout(searchTimer); // html massaging //html =
html.split("document.write('hi')") doesn't work well. html =
html.split(""+ 'body { background:' + backgroundColor + ';border:1px
solid #555;border-color:' + borderColor +
overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap}'+ 'td { font-size:8pt;
font-family:tahoma; vertical-align:top;white-space: wrap}'+ 'p,div
{margin:0px; padding:0px;white-space:wrap;clear:left;
white-space:wrap}'+ '.ystcontrol { float:right; right:0px;}'+
""+html+"= 5.5) { searchTooltip= window.createPopup(); } var
searchTimer = 0; var savedSearchText = ''; function handleSelection()
{ if (document.selection.type == "Text") { var range =
document.selection.createRange(); var text = range.text; if (text!='')
{ var rs = range.getClientRects(); var r = rs[rs.length-1]; if (!r)
return; var top = r.top; var right = r.right; if
return; clearTimeout(handleSelection.selectTimer); var
clicky=Id("$clicky"); clicky.style.display='none'; if
((text!='')&&!handleSelection.down) { handleSelection.gText= text;
handleSelection.gTop = top; handleSelection.gRight = right;
handleSelection.data = [ text, r.left, r.bottom+3, r.bottom-r.top ];
return; } } return; } if (handleSelection.gText!='') {
handleSelection.gText=''; hideSelector(); } } // check if we're
mousing over or out of a selected area function checkSelector(x,y) {
if (!g_livewordsEnabled) return; if (document.selection.type !=
"Text") return; var range = document.selection.createRange(); var text
= range.text; x-=range.boundingLeft; y-=range.boundingTop; if
(xrange.boundingWidth || yrange.boundingHeight) { if
(checkSelector.over) { if (g_bypassClicky) { savedSearchText = '';
clearTimeout(searchTimer); searchTimer =
setTimeout("searchTooltip.hide();searchShow.visible=false;", 500); }
else { clearTimeout(handleSelection.selectTimer);
handleSelection.selectTimer = setTimeout(hideSelector, 500); }
checkSelector.over = false; } return; } // we should be going line by
line. add me. XXX var rs = range.getClientRects(); var r =
rs[rs.length-1]; if (!r) return; var clicky = Id("$clicky"); var d =
clicky.style.display; clicky.style.display=''; clicky.style.top =
r.bottom - clicky.offsetHeight; clicky.style.left = r.right;
clicky.style.display=d; clearTimeout(handleSelection.selectTimer);
handleSelection.data = [ text, r.left, r.bottom+3, r.bottom-r.top ];
if (g_bypassClicky) { if (!searchTooltip.isOpen) selectOver(500); }
else { handleSelection.selectTimer =
setTimeout("Id('$clicky').style.display=''", 300); }
checkSelector.over = true; } function hideSelector() {
clearTimeout(handleSelection.selectTimer); var clicky=Id("$clicky");
clicky.style.display='none'; handleSelection.gText=''; } function
$ShowAdditionalFiles(afimageid, afid) { var varAdditionalFileList =
document.getElementById(afid); var varafImage =
document.getElementById(afimageid); if (varAdditionalFileList &&
varafImage) { if (varAdditionalFileList.style.display == "none") {
varAdditionalFileList.style.display = "inline"; varafImage.src =
varafImage.expandedImage; } else { varAdditionalFileList.style.display
= "none"; varafImage.src = varafImage.collapsedImage; } } } function
$UpdateShowHideDescr(descr) { var shd =
document.getElementById('show_hide_descr'); if (shd) { shd.innerHTML =
descr; } } function $UpdateProgressBarDescription(pmdid, pm,
newDescription) { var varProgressDescription =
document.getElementById(pmdid); if (varProgressDescription) {
varProgressDescription.innerHTML = newDescription;
$UpdateProgressBar(pm, 0);
setTimeout("$doAutoscroll=$UpdateAutoScroll(); Scroll()",1); } }
function $UpdateProgressBar(pmid, nPercent) { var r; var barPx; var
percent; var varProgressBar; var varLeft; var varLeftText; var
varRightText; varProgressBar = document.getElementById(pmid); varLeft
= document.getElementById(pmid + 'Left'); varLeftText =
document.getElementById(pmid + 'LeftText'); varRightText =
document.getElementById(pmid + 'RightText'); r = nPercent / 100; r = r
1 ? 1 : r); barPx = Math.floor(r*160); percent = Math.floor(r*100);
varRightText.innerHTML = percent + "%"; if( barPx == 0) {
varLeft.style.visibility="hidden"; varProgressBar.leftHidden = 'true';
} else { varLeft.style.width = barPx; varLeftText.innerHTML =
varRightText.innerHTML; if( varProgressBar.leftHidden == 'true') {
varLeft.style.visibility="visible"; varProgressBar.leftHidden='false';
} } varProgressBar.currentValue = nPercent; } function
AppendInput(s){$Invoke(23,s)}; function GetInput(m){$Invoke(25,m)};
function SetInput(s){$Invoke(26,s)}; function
ReplaceInputSelection(s){$Invoke(27,s)}; function Id(n){ return
document.all[n] }; function InsertHTML(t,o,p){ if(typeof
o=="undefined") o=document.body; if(typeof o=="string") o=Id(o);
if(typeof p=="undefined") p="BeforeEnd"; o.insertAdjacentHTML(p,t); }
function RemoveHTML(o){ if(typeof o=="string") o=Id(o);
o.outerHTML=""; } function InsertInline(t){
$doAutoScroll=$UpdateAutoScroll(); if(Id("$in"))
InsertHTML(t,"$in","BeforeBegin"); else InsertHTML(t,$imbody);
Scroll(); } function Clear() { if(Id("$in")) { $imbody.innerHTML="
"; } else { $imbody.innerHTML=""; } } function GetCustomData(k){
$Invoke(33,k) }; function SetCustomData(k,v){ $Invoke(32, k+"="+v) };
function GetExternalData(u){ $Invoke(21,u) }; function
SetLocalData(t){ $Invoke(20,Marshal(t)) }; function Marshal(o){ if
((typeof o=='undefined')||(o==null)) return 'null'; switch
(o.constructor){ case Number: case Boolean: return o.toString(); case
Function: return 'null'; case String: return
'\"'+o.replace(/\"/g,'\\\"')+'\"'; case Array: var s='['; for (var
i=0;i"); var o=""; while (o!=t) { o=t; t=t.replace(re,r) }; return t;
} function MarkSmileys(s){ var t=""; for (var i = 0; i
0)t+=ts+")"; t+=": "+text+"
"; Insert(t); } } function $HandleStatus(text,mode){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleStatus)c=IMV.HandleStatus(text,mode); if(c){
if(document.all.ystatus)RemoveHTML(ystatus); var
classname="graystatus"; if(mode==4)classname="greenstatus"; else
if(mode==3)classname="redstatus"; Insert("
"); } } function $HandleIMVNotify(text){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleIMVNotify)c=IMV.HandleIMVNotify(text); if(c){
"); } } function $HandleBuzz(text,mode){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleBuzz)c=IMV.HandleBuzz(text,mode); if(c){
maxAud){ if(typeof document.all["aud"+$AudibleArray[0]] =="object"){
document.all["aud"+$AudibleArray[0]].outerHTML="" } for(var i=0; i
"+n+": " + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + caption + "
"; InsertInline(html); } } function $HandleAction(n,m,t){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleAction){ if(IMV.HandleAction(n,m) && n == 0){
"); Buzz(""); } } else if(n==0)$HandleBuzz("
", m); } function $HandleP2PState(n){ $SetInfo("P2P",n);
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleP2PState)IMV.HandleP2PState(n); } function
$HandleViewRecent(s){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleViewRecent)c=IMV.HandleViewRecent(s); if(c){
Id("$rh").style.display=(s==0)?"none":""; Scroll(); } } //---PRIVATE
FUNCTIONS function $Invoke(a,b){ $Y.InvokeCommand(a,b) }; function
$SetBase(s){Path=s}; function $SetInfo(s,d){YMSGR[s]=d}; function
$Copy(){ var t=document.selection.createRange().text; if (t!="")
$Invoke(10,t); else if((typeof
$Invoke(10,$Element.innerText); } SetInfo=$SetInfo; function
$ExecRPC(n,p){ if (typeof RPC.$fn[n] == "function") { RPC.$fn[n](p) }
}; function $Load(n,d){ $FilterCheck(); LoadIMV=function(){}
$Unload(); $Backup();
Redirect="http://rd.yahoo.com/messenger/imv/"+n+"/?"; eval(d);
document.all.tags('BASE')[0].href=Path; LoadIMV(); IMV=IMVironment;
IMV.Start(); } function $Unload(){ if (IMV){ IMV.Stop();
IMV=IMVironment=null; $Restore(); } } function $FilterCheck(){ var t="
"; InsertHTML(t); if(typeof $fc.filters=="unknown" || typeof
$fc.filters=="undefined" || typeof $fc.filters.alpha=="undefined"){
$Y.SetError(1); Filters=false; }else Filters=true; RemoveHTML($fc);
return Filters; } function $Backup(){ for (var j=0;j=0;j--)
RemoveHTML(tmp[j]); RestoreStyles(); RPC.$clear();
SetConversationBody(null); SetScrollBody(null);
ShowConversationBody(true); $doAutoScroll=true; Scroll(); } function
$Append(n,t,ds,ts,m){ switch(m){ case 0: case 1:
if(IMV&&IMV.FilterMessage) t=IMV.FilterMessage(n,t,m); return
$HandleMessage(n,t,ds,ts,m); case 2: return
$HandleMessage(n,t,ds,ts,m); case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: return
$HandleStatus(t,m); case 7: return $HandleIMVNotify(t) case 9:
"); break; default: return alert("Undefined Text Type: "+m); } }
function $AppendRecent(n,t,ds,ts,m){ var c=true;
if(IMV&&IMV.HandleRecent)c=IMV.HandleRecent(n,t,m,ds,ts); if(c){ var
classname; switch(m){ case 0: classname="sendername";break; case 1:
classname="recvername";break; case 2: classname="ymsgrname";break;
case 9: InsertHTML("
",$rh);return; default: return alert("Undefined Text Type: "+m); } var x="
0)x+=ts+")"; x+=": "+t+"
=0;i--){ var timestamp=Msgs[i].getAttribute("t",0); var
datestamp=Msgs[i].getAttribute("d",0); var
} function $OverlayNotify(x) { if(!Filters)return; if($inProgress){
if(x=="") setTimeout("Fade('$overlay', 100, 0, -10, 100,
'RemoveHTML($overlay);$inProgress=false;')", 3000); else
$overlay.innerHTML = x; }else if(x!=""){ var t=" " + x + "0 && opacity
=0;i--){ RemoveHTML(Elements[i].parentNode.parentNode); } } else
RemoveHTML(Elements.parentNode.parentNode); } } function
$InlineAction(a){ $Y.InvokeCommand(34,a) }; function $ViewTipCenter(){
$Y.InvokeCommand(38,0); return false; } function $SetIMV(a){
$Y.InvokeCommand(24,a); return false; } //---DEPRECATED function
Insert(t){InsertInline(t)}; function GetConversationBody(){ return
$imbody }; function SetConversationBody(b){ if (b==null) { $imbody=$im
} else { $imbody=b } }; function SetScrollBody(b){ if (b==null) {
$scrollbody=$im } else { $scrollbody=b } }; function
ShowConversationBody(b){ $imbody.style.display=b?"":"none" }; function
SetMinSize(x,y){ $Y.SetMinSize(x,y) }; function Resize(x,y){
$Y.Resize(x,y) }; function GetId(n){ if(n==NAMES.sender.display)
return NAMES.sender.id; if(n==NAMES.receiver.display) return
NAMES.receiver.id; return n; } $Scroll=Scroll; TT_NULL=-1; TT_SENT=0;
TT_RCVD=1; on error resume next flashVer = 0 if
(IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"))) then
flashVer = 6 elseif
(IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5"))) then
flashver = 5 elseif
(IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.4"))) then
flashver = 4 end if call SetInfo("Flash_Version",flashVer) Show Recent
Messages (F3)
n3td3v (14/06/05 01:30:41): Hello World
n3td3v (14/06/05 01:30:42): Hello World
document.body.onresize=$HandleResize; $imbody=$im; $scrollbody=$im;
RestoreStyles(); ScrollWidth=$sm.offsetWidth-$sm.clientWidth;
} setInterval(handleSelection, 100);
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