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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gary McKinnon

n3td3v wrote:
I'm expressing an opinion. You know, the reason you guys are bombing
the hell out of innocent civils for, to make it possible for folks to
express an opinion. If this was China, I wouldn't be allowed to
express an opinion, i'd be locked up or have my house knocked down, to
make room for sky scrapers to develop upon. This is a UK maling list,
and while you Ameircans don't believe in freedom, we in UK do, so go
ahead, arrest me, make me a cyber celebrity and throw away the key.
Thats what the super power of "freedom" does, locks people up and
throw away the key, without a trial.

So *that's* why you Brits are involved in Iraq.......

Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

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