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Re: [Full-disclosure] MBT Xss vulnerability
- To: MuNNa <sant.jadhav@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] MBT Xss vulnerability
- From: Stan Bubrouski <stan.bubrouski@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:47:01 -0500
On 1/20/06, MuNNa <sant.jadhav@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hii
> ->Why would he be concerned? The problem is that most sites on the
> internet suffer from XSS vulenrabilities, its just that nobody cares
> because there is nothing to gain from the sites. Nothing to gain you
> say? Yes. Let's take this site you posted about for example, I
> didn't look over the entire site, but glancing I don't even see
> anything which XSS would help you compromise. The site seemingly is
> all static content (minus a search, correct me if I'm wrong) with no
> e-mail portal, forums, or anything else that the XSS could be
> leveraged to gain access to. Since the site offeres no direct
> services (right?) what exactly could you trick people into doing here?
> The session cookie seems worthless since there's no login or
> anything...
> I have clearly mentioned in the disclosure that this Xss is not harmful for
> server side but you can target a lot of people, using this website. If you
> have completly read my disclosure mail, i have mentioned in the end that a
> lot of people seeking job can be targeted. I can say this because i know the
> value of this organisation from point of placements. Morever this
> organisation provides security solution to other companies. From the point
> of comapny's security everything is fine but from the point of its social
> image......
> ->Which would be meaningful if:
> A) this site were used by millions of people
> B) there was something worth compromising the site for (like access to
> webmail, personal information, etc...)
> I think what I'm missing here is why this particular XSS is useful in
> any way shape or form? Am I missing something significant about
> this site? Do people trust it for something?
> As explained before , it can attract a lot of job-seekers. Millions of them.
> They trust this organisation. Even i do very much.
Okay see that's why I asked since this site is used by millions of
people that actually answers my question. Thank you.
> ->Isn't that what you are doing?
> I just posted a disclosure which i felt could be used by some bad guy to
> target innocent people.If anyone felt that this disclosure is some sort of
> spam and is really harmless, just discard it. Atleast i dont spam here by
> bashing someone else who has posted some disclosure. This bashing attitude
> reflects Lamer qualities and this discourages others from mailing
> disclosures.
Yeah I actually felt bad after I wrote that line, I jsut didn't
understand how his repsonse contributed to spam and yours didn't, know
what I mean?
> Hope i answered all your answers. Lets cut down the argument here.
You did, and thouroughly! I thank you!
> Regards;
> Santosh J
You da man,
> On 1/20/06, Stan Bubrouski <stan.bubrouski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On 1/19/06, MuNNa <sant.jadhav@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hahaha ... native code doesnt seem to understand the meaning of Xss and
> why
> > > it can be of security concern. Here not only url re-direction is
> possible
> >
> > Why would he be concerned? The problem is that most sites on the
> > internet suffer from XSS vulenrabilities, its just that nobody cares
> > because there is nothing to gain from the sites. Nothing to gain you
> > say? Yes. Let's take this site you posted about for example, I
> > didn't look over the entire site, but glancing I don't even see
> > anything which XSS would help you compromise. The site seemingly is
> > all static content (minus a search, correct me if I'm wrong) with no
> > e-mail portal, forums, or anything else that the XSS could be
> > leveraged to gain access to. Since the site offeres no direct
> > services (right?) what exactly could you trick people into doing here?
> > The session cookie seems worthless since there's no login or
> > anything...
> >
> > > but also execution of malicious javascripts is possible.Your Lame reply
> >
> > Which would be meaningful if:
> > A) this site were used by millions of people
> > B) there was something worth compromising the site for (like access to
> > webmail, personal information, etc...)
> >
> > I think what I'm missing here is why this particular XSS is useful in
> > any way shape or form? Am I missing something significant about
> > this site? Do people trust it for something?
> >
> > > makes me think that you are one of the following:
> > > 1.An employee of MBT criticising me in the interest of the company
> 'or'
> > > 2.A poor spammer who doesnt know anything but tries to shows-off as if
> he is
> > > the MASTER. If this is the case carry on with your spamming business and
> > > good luck for your future.
> >
> > Isn't that what you are doing?
> >
> > -sb
> >
> > >
> > > Regards;
> > > Santosh J.
> > >
> > >
> >
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