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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: PC Firewall Choices

On 1/19/06, Greg <full-disclosure2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > [mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
> > Of Stan Bubrouski
> > Sent: Friday, 20 January 2006 7:51 AM
> > To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: Re: PC Firewall Choices
> >
> >
> > On 1/19/06, Dave Korn <davek_throwaway@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Stan Bubrouski wrote in
> > > news:122827b90601190801w2a7f8206h5d8973cf6b240788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > As cruel as that last message was I'm sick of the ZA pros here
> > > > saying its perfect, its not, far from it.
> > >
> > >   Since nobody has ever claimed that ZA is perfect, in
> > saying this you
> > > prove
> >
> > Yeah I didn't literally mean perfect, only that certain
> > people seem to argue that everyone's complaints about ZA
> > aren't real because they don't experience them.  What proof
> Actually, seeing no-one actually said that, I suppose that is a pointer
> towards you REALLY meaning that YOU cant make the prog do something
> therefore no-one can.

I said it slowed down IE on machines here and some apps wouldn't
start.  Where did I claim that everyone had this problem?  Again just
because something doesn't affect you doesn't mean ZA isn't at fault...
unless you are sitting at the exact same computer as me I don't see
how you can know this...

<SNIP useful text that should have been sent in separate message>

> > could I profer here?  Some flawed benchmark?  A video?  Why
> > would I bother you assume I'm lying anyways.
> >
> > > that your claims are either lies or hyperbole.  If you can't argue
> > > with what
> >
> > So because you think that one sentence is misleading (in
> > retrospect 'perfect' was not a good word choice), everything
> > else I said must be untrue.  Sigh.
> >
> > > people actually said, making up things that they didn't say is
> > > fatuously dishonest.
> >
> > You are the one being dishonest and the one exaggerating
> > here.  You take something too literally, and call people
> Actually, I would have to agree with him that it was you doing that. You
> either lied or exaggerated above as I pointed out. Deal with it.

How selectively we read.  He accused me of lying about using the word
perfect (I didn't mean it literally) and then said my claims that ZA
slowed down IE and caused some apps not to load here are either lies
or exaggerated because he says so.  And now because you say so...
you've convinced me!  Is there some benchmark you'd like me to run to
prove it to you?


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