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Re: [Full-disclosure] Security Bug in MSVC

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I think ms wont fixe any bug in vstudio, I have told them if they will
fix the vs2005 issue published recently and they said me exactly what
is on your support page:

"Only open project files that come from trusted sources."

or "Only open WMF files that come from trusted sources." would have
been less effort than releasing a patch then lol :D

Morning Wood wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -
> EXPL-A-2006-002 exploitlabs.com Advisory 048 -
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> - MSVC 6.0 run file bug -
> AFFECTED PRODUCTS ================= Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
> http://microsoft.com
> Possibly other products referenced in:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/841189
> OVERVIEW ======== Source code project distributions are very
> popular these days. Generally authors offer code as a project with
> source, headers, and msvc project files if it is a fairly big
> project. Most users will simply open up the project.dsw file, (
> especialy if it says to do so in a readme.txt or other compiler
> instructions ) which in turn loads the project.dsp files, which
> provides the compiler directives. A malicious attacker could embed
> commands to be executed in the project files, and execute any local
> code of his choosing.
> note: this is an implemented feature in MSVC, and should be
> considered a bug, not a vulnerability.
> IMPACT ====== The impact of this is quite severe, as it is possible
> to script commands such as to launch ftp, retrieve and execute a
> file from a remote location.
> DETAILS ======= By modifying the .dsp files:
> project settings custom build Commands: command to execute
> Post-build Step: command to execute
> 1.a ==== InputPath=.\Release\hello.exe SOURCE="$(InputPath)"
> "hello.exe" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" calc
> 1.b ==== PostBuild_Cmds=notepad.exe
> POC ====
> http://exploitlabs.com/files/advisories/msvc-featurebug-POC.zip
> extract, and open hello.dsw click "batch build, build" or "rebuild
> all" code will execute ( calc.exe and notepad.exe used as an
> example ) calc.exe = Custom-Build notepad.exe = PostBuild Commands
> SOLUTION ======== vendor contact: secure@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sept 20,
> 2005 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/841189 updated Jan 6, 2006
> Microsoft provided these URL's as well:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/vsintro7/html/vxurfopenprojectfromwebdialogbox.asp
>  http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bs2bkwxc.aspx
> SUGGESTED PATCH =============== Include a dialog box that warns the
> user, before pre and post build directives can be launched, if the
> presence of execute directives exist in the build project files.
> CREDITS ======= This vulnerability was discovered and researched by
>  Donnie Werner of exploitlabs
> mail:   wood at exploitlabs.com mail:   morning_wood at zone-h.org

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